Kurulus Osman Episode 128 Review in Historical Point

In Kurulus Osman Episode 128, We can’t lose to the Turks anymore. We have to do something. How may want to you lose Kopruhisar? Do the awesome Byzantine squaddies deliver their swords simplest to reveal off? If people are led by means of others who don’t realize a way to combat as opposed to commanders the inevitable ending will not exchange. But first of all, the commander needs to understand his location. Is that coming from Tekfurs who couldn’t guard their people? You don’t have to be afraid anymore. You now have commanders who’ve seen dozens of battles.

Kurulus Osman Episode 128 Review

You were there when our armies set their tribes on hearth, Commander Mateus. We stopped the help Tekfur Valens sent from Konya, too. How could Osman pull this off? You underestimated Osman and the rate for it became Kopruhisar! Osman has the Tekfur of Kopruhisar. No, Tekfur. Leo. Look what those Turks did to us!

Kurulus Osman Episode Review

Those who dream of taking revenge on us will beg for forgiveness when they awaken. Or after they wake up to our swords on their necks. The sleep of a idiot is deep, brother. No one predicted that we would conquer Kopruhisar. Kopruhisar’s conquests will be a image of our victory usually. Osman Bey, what’s your subsequent target? It looks like your soldiers are turning this into a race. Is that so? My sons. So you’re curious approximately my plans. Tell me. Where will we go next?

Kurulus Osman Episode 128 Review in English

Did you send your letters? Yes, Tekfur Valens. My cousin in Teselya mounted an army of barbarians. They are coming. What approximately you, Commander Seth? My pals in Vidin spoke back my letter. The armies are installed, Tekfur Valens, they may be coming to feed upon blood. Good. Even if we burn down Osman’s tribe even supposing we forestall the assist coming to him we noticed that he gained’t stop.

He wants to do that and rid Anatolia of the Byzantines. That’s why his next aim may be Koyunhisar. If he is taking control of it Nicea and Bursa will lose touch. Byzantine’s first-rate commanders and Tekfurs. You will take precautions to your castles. Council brothers. Gather all your soldiers. Commander Milos. Commander Seth. When the armies arrive not a single Turk will breathe on this land.

Kurulus Osman Episode 128 Review in Urdu

Until we relaxation below the Sanjac of Jesus Christ. We’ll burn the infidels with god’s solar. Until heaven is ours. We’ll make them undergo hell. This is our oath. Peace be with you. Peace be upon you Osman Bey. Thank you. Have a seat, Osman Bey. Congratulations at the Kopruhisar conquest Osman Bey. EyvAllah. EyvAllah. Thanks to you we knew the place of all passages.

But our short-term aim is for Byzantines to leave the borders once and for all. It will be a difficult struggle. We never bother with the smooth manner. Let the Byzantines ship an army. We’ll kill them all with our metallic fingers. They’ll in no way forestall Osman Bey. This is a war among right and wrong. They’ll in no way stop even in case you do. But you could by no means make peace with the null and void.

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