Mughal Empire Vs Ottoman Empire

Friends, You Must Have Read Many Articles About The Mughal Empire And The Ottoman Empire, Today I Tell you About Mughal Empire Vs Ottoman Empire History

But Do You Know How Much The Total Army Of These Two Great Empires Was And Actually Which Of These Two Empires Had More Army Was Powerful And At The Same Time Will Tell You What Would Have Happened If The Armies Of The Ottoman Empire And The Mughal Empire Clashed During This Period,

Where The Mughals Ruled India From 1526 To 1857.So, On The Other Hand, The Ottoman Empire,

That Is, The Empire, From Asia To Europe And From Europe To Africa, Ruled Many Large Parts For Six Hundred Years. Friends, We Are Often Asked This Question In The Comment Box

The Mughal Empire And Ottoman Whose Army Was More Powerful And If There Was A War Between These Two Empires, Who Would Have Won? Friends, We Will Try To Answer All These Questions In This Post.

Mughal Empire Vs Ottoman Empire

First Of All, Let’s Talk About Friends Of The Ottoman Empire. The Ottoman Empire Is A Part Of History That Cannot Be Forgotten Even If You Want. During The Rule Of The Sultans, The Strength Of This Empire, Aka The Armies, Saw Great Fluctuations.

When Osman Ghazi Founded This Empire In 1299, He Had Only Thirty To Forty Thousand People. Although After His Death, He Increased The Power Of The Ottoman Empire Day By Day And Soon This Empire Was Able To Become The Most Powerful Empire In The World.

Sultan Suleiman I Ottoman Empire

But Still If We Talk About The Era Of Sultan Suleiman I, The Most Successful Of This Empire, Then This Empire Used To Be The Strongest And Most Powerful. During His Time, This Empire Spread Over An Area Of About Fifty-Two Lakh Kilometers.

One Group Of Them Used To Control Parts Of Europe, While The Other Group Controlled Asia. They Also Spread In Many Parts Of Africa. It Used To Be And It Was Impossible For Any Other Empire In The World To Face Them. Apart From That, The Ottoman Empire Was The First Empire To Use Cannons To Fortify Itself. That Is Why It Is Also Called The Empire That Invented Cannons.

Who Was More Powerful Mughal Or Ottoman Empire

He Also Built Many Artillery In His Empire. And Other Empires Of The World Also Used To Purchase Weapons From The Ottoman Empire During This Period. And It Will Not Be Wrong To Say That There Was No Second Ottoman Empire During This Period.

The Reign Of Sultan Sulaiman I Was The Golden Age Of The Ottoman Empire, And If We Talk About The Mughal Armies, When Zaheeruddin Babur Attacked Ibrahim Lodhi In 1526, He Defeated Ibrahim Lodhi On The Tail Of His Ten Thousand Soldiers. Defeated An Army Of 100,000 With Great Ease.

Ottoman Empire and Mughal Empire Relations

Friends, Historians Say That Zaheeruddin Babur Used Cannons For The First Time In The Conquest Of India. It Is Said That Babur Bought These Cannons From The Ottoman Empire, Which Means That This So It Is Clear That The Ottoman Empire Played An Important Role In Establishing The Mughal Empire In India,

Zaheeruddin Babur Period History

But If We Talk About The Golden Age Of The Mughals, I.E. The Time Period Of Emperor Akbar And Aurangzeb Alamgir, Then The Mughal Empire Was The Only Empire That Existed At That Time. At That Time, The Ottoman Empire Had The Will To Attack.

 If We Talk About The Period Of Aurangzeb Alamgir, Then The Strength Of The Mughal Armies Is Said To Be Around Ten Lakh To Twelve Lakh. That Is More Than The Total Armies Of The Ottoman Empire.

Aurangzeb Alamgir Period History in India Sort

If The Experts Are To Be Believed, During The Reign Of Aurangzeb Alamgir, The Mughal Army Was At Its Most Powerful, And At That Time, The Mughal Empire Was Considered A Richer Empire Than The Ottoman Empire.

Both Of Them Had The Title Of Super Power During This Period, But If We Compare The Power Of These Two Empires, They Remained Separate During The Period Of Each Sultan And Each King.

Sultanate Was Considered To Be The Most Powerful Empire, On The Other Hand, It Was Impossible To Compete With The Ottoman Empire During The Reign Of Sultan Suleiman The First.

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